Friday, March 8, 2013

No Mercy

Trifextra: Week Fifty-eight

Congrats to this week's winners!
On to the Trifextra challenge, where we try our damnedest to incorporate the concept of three into something varied and inspiring.  This weekend, we're really stretching.

As you can see, the third element in the periodic table of elements is Lithium.

The word lithium comes from the Greek word lithos, which means stone  (  This weekend, we want you to give us a thirty-three response using the wordstone as one of your thirty-three words.  You can use any definition of the word that you'd like, but we are specifically looking for serious, well-conceived entries.  This isn't the weekend for light-hearted posts about the difficulty of posting before the linkz close, and we are not looking for hilarious commentary about your cats (THIS time).  We want something serious and deep from you guys this weekend, because the sun is starting to shine a bit more, and we think we can handle it now.  Take your time with it and give us your very best work. 

The bread was stale, her children hungry.  
The villagers jeered as they closed on her.  
An emaciated girl with a protruding belly cast the first stone.
Her daughter's taunt joined the others.

Concrit is welcome, and encouraged!


  1. ): This is so sad. It's worse because stuff like this still happens. A moving piece.

  2. This is horrible! (The story, not the writing.) Food is one of the necessities of life and it's so sad the need isn't met for all.

  3. That wonderful last line,double whammy! Betrayal and starvation. Nicely done, Renee!

  4. This is very evocative, I really like it.

  5. reminds me of Les Miserables, about how even the "LIVING" we are judged and ridiculed, sometimes even by our own.

    I sat with this for a moment, it's very good.

  6. Well done I was wondering if any one would get stoned on this exersice

  7. very good. so much in so few words.

  8. That last line - wow. Talk about dark...

  9. Very serious and moving piece. Very well written. Beautiful use of your 33 words. :)

  10. Period piece that shows the state of the world, now. Brilliant. This is smart, interesting and well-written.

  11. Very well written. That last line was chilling.

  12. This is really timely for me, as I'm reading James Orbinski's book about the wars and famines in Africa and Afghanistan. Seems a page out of his book.

  13. Ohh..what a terrible scenario!It makes us realize how fortunate so many of us are, to have never seen this sad,ugly,terrible yet real face of hunger & poverty!A power packed piece of writing ,leaving one gasping!Great job,Renee!

  14. Scary.. The one without sin should cast the first stone.

  15. That last line-so wrenching! It would be the worst pain-even more than the pain caused by the actual stones. I am so impressed at the emotion you packed into these 33 words Renee! Well done!!

  16. This is really strong! Very good.

  17. Very intense and full of despair. A heartbreaker. Well done!

  18. Terrible how we are so quick to join the fray. Chilling portrayal, Renee!

  19. wow!! this is a chillingly great piece!
