Friday, March 1, 2013

Happily Ever After; Part Three

My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog

100 words inspired by Linda’s pick of Elvis Costello’s Brilliant Mistake. Be sure to use the Mr. Linky below, tweet and Facebook out your link, and tell a friend or 50.

I'm trying something a little...well, crazy here this week.  I have been writing and linking up to several prompts every week.  I've combined prompts and I've written separate stories to the individual prompts.  This week my goal is to write one story, and split it into parts.  Each part fitting one of the prompts I use.  It's my hope that each part stands alone, yet makes one understandable tale all together.
Part one is here  Part two is here

Meeribel had expected to be thrown from the palace, or into the dungeons. She hadn’t expected that Arlord had known all along of her deception.

“So, do you love me without the potion, then?” she asked.

“No, not particularly. Though, you are fair to look upon, and you have a pleasant disposition.”

“Oh, well, that’s good. Because even though I believed I could, I don’t love you either. And I really don't like being the princess, I made a mistake, it’s hard work. Should I leave, now?”

Arlord raised an eyebrow. “Leave? I think not. You serve the people now.”


  1. oooh, a smackdown! Duty calls. Will the shepherd's daughter rise to the occasion?

  2. and that Arlord is that! Dare a say such a 'man' reply 'No not really' :-) Let's see what happens in the 4th shall we.

  3. Nicely played across all three - bravo!
