Friday, July 12, 2013

Three Words

Trifextra: Week Seventy-Six

Congratulations to the winners!
This week's challenge made me think.  It's a hard choice, just three words.  The ones I chose probably only make sense to me.

Here's the challenge:
"One of our editors was recently lucky enough to slowly roast on a bouncy, mechanical floor thisclose to nearly 900 other Portlanders for a reading (of the third chapter of his new book, The Ocean at the End of the Lane) and subsequent Q&A by Neil Gaiman.  One of the questions asked of him was, "Can you tell us your writing process in three words?"  He replied, "Glare.  Drink tea." This weekend, we're asking for you to sum up your own process with just three little words.  Give us dry wit, pathos or otherwise.  And remember, we like your blood on the page.  Put it there. - See more at:"

Here's my three:

Let them speak



  1. I love the 3 words you chose. They make perfect sense and for someone's words to speak to another person is the greatness of writing. I believe you summed up your process of writing and let this post speak to all readers!!! Excellent. If I were a jealous person, this post is definitely to be envied. I'm not, so, I'm intrigued!!!

  2. I like your 3 words!

  3. Perfect Renee! It's the whole point, and so hard to do sometimes! I thought these three words were very good!

  4. Very clever three words. That's what we want to do.

  5. hello? Is anybody in there? :)

  6. Those are three very accurate words.

  7. I love your three as well. I love imagining characters as real people just waiting for their chance to shine.

  8. Excellent choice of words!

  9. I'm getting lots of good advice. Like this!
